yes we all remember this hell hole.
When i first started playing Final Fantasy XI, I picked the job Red Mage.
I picked this because i remember them from playing FFIV.
What peeked my interest for the job in FFIV was that they could wield
swords and do good damage with it, and at the same time they could use
both black and white magic... Pretty pimp if you ask me.
So of course when i saw the RDM option how could I resist?
I started out in windurst as a Red Mage Hume with red hair,
and grinded my way fast to level 10.
Then my friend from school who also played the game with a character
called Kairos told me I had to go to Valkurm Dunes.
We then set out through Tahrongi Canyon and through Buburimu Peninsula
and finally reached Mhaura.
There he told me to get on a ship which would take me to Valkurm Dunes,
I wanted him to go with me cause I was still very new to the game and pretty much
never sat my foot too far from Windy.
Still he said i had to go myself and that he wouldnt be of much help either way as a
high level cant party with a low level.
So I got on that ship and thanked my friend for showing me how to get there.
The ship docked in Selbina, and I turned on my party flag as they call it.
What a stupid way to get a party i thought, like is a party gonna run by
see me and ask me to join?
Shortly after i recieved a tell.
Vexy: Party do you need it?
Luckyseven: Yes
Vexy invites you to join her party.
After joining in vexy said something in the party chat.
Vexy: Gather together L-10
As pro as i was my 2nd day in vana'diel i had no trouble with this.
Luckyseven: WTF IS L-10.. are you retarded?!?!?!
(wonder who the retard was)
After some time and talking and seeing the word "Noob" a few times,
someone comes and picks me up and take me to camp.
We finally got there and the party start pulling Lizards.
This was all new to me, i kept wondering why we just stood there,
and the mobs came to us.
(yes i wasnt too bright)
The lizards gave amazing exp i thought, 150-200 exp was something
i had never seen.
And as the pro FFIV rdm i was...
i cured the party and enfeebled the lizards....
yeh right...
I engaged and thought i was the best melee in the game
miss... lol
Conserving and using my mp for stuff that mattered also
was on my priority list
Luckyseven casts stone on the Hill Lizard
Luckyseven casts aero on the Hill Lizard
Luckyseven casts water on the Hill Lizard
and repeat..
Then i noticed the treasure pool.
Why were all those items just lying there?
so i started lotting all of them.
Shortly after i was kicked from the party..
I wonder why..
I threw a smaller (read: Big) Tanthrum and then i left,
and got killed by a Goblin.
Thank god i put my home point there right?
Zone Windurst Woods.. Fu**ing Goblin.
So that was my first expierence with the Dunes.
I bet it was as great for me as it was for you
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